Need help please trition wont start after water damage

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Need help please trition wont start after water damage

Postby Justin7 on Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:15 pm

drove a river crossing got to end went in rut got stuck water in car and wont start
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Re: Need help please trition wont start after water damage

Postby NowForThe5th on Sun Aug 15, 2021 12:13 am

Need more information.

Petrol or diesel?

How deep was water?

Was it running ok until you got stuck in rut?

What happens when you try to start?

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Re: Need help please trition wont start after water damage

Postby Justin7 on Sun Aug 15, 2021 10:00 am

Its a petrol 3.5ml.09 water was all in car just under steering wheel. was stuck for little while I disconnected the terminals, got pulled out ,let it sit for hour blew out all the plugs before tryn to start with no luck it would turn over sounded funny the exhaust was full off water undone from middle to get all water out towed it home had a look and I have no spark unsure what to do now
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Re: Need help please trition wont start after water damage

Postby NowForThe5th on Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:22 am

Water that deep is bad, very bad. All the computers will have been covered, so no knowing how much damage there.

At least it will turn over, which means that damage isn't terminal, but doesn't mean it isn't serious.

Start by removing air intake tubes, clean and dry. Check air box for any signs of water. If it has a snorkel and this is all dry then you might be in less trouble, but no guarantees. Replace air filter.

Remove the spark plugs and turn the engine with the starter over to see if there's anything in the cylinders. Listen for strange knocking or grinding noises. If there are then best to take to a mechanic.

Drain the engine oil to see if any signs of water (milkiness). Refill.

Undo every electrical connection, spray with WD40, blow out and reseat. Connections of leads to spark plugs are particularly susceptible. Coil packs are up high and usually safe, but in water that deep the fan would have been pushing water everywhere. Connect and ground one spark plug to see if you have spark. If you do then proceed, if not then you need to track down the problem first.

If you have spark then refit plugs and leads and try to start. What happens here will kind of determine where you go next but if you have a friendly mechanic or a mate then it's probably time to give him a call.

ECU, BCM and other computers are up behind the dash and under centre console. Disconnect, clean and dry all connectors (and anything else). Most of the cases are sort of watertight, so don't go taking those apart yet. Fuse box will have been covered too.

From here it's hard to say. Was the water fresh and clean, or muddy? Goes without saying that you'll need to take out all the interior - seats, carpets/floor coverings etc and clean and dry. Same with doors.

They're an incredibly tough engine. I had one that decided to take a drink of water in a similar situation to yours (not as deep though) and it ran for a couple of thousand kms with bent conrods and all sorts of other internal engine damage. Cost me $5K to rebuild though. You might be lucky....

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Re: Need help please trition wont start after water damage

Postby Justin7 on Sun Aug 15, 2021 4:54 pm

I cleaned everything drained oil put new oil and filter was a little milky,took plugs out turned engine over didnt see anything in there ,it has a snorkel there was no water in the box,took all plugs out sprayed them re connected everything still no luck took ECU box out cleand that and the mobileser still no luck tested for spark and no spark at all was thinking I need a whole new ECU lost with what to do thanks.
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Re: Need help please trition wont start after water damage

Postby NowForThe5th on Sun Aug 15, 2021 5:38 pm

Honestly, from here I'd just be guessing.

I'd clear the zillion codes and use the new ones as a guide, coil packs, of course, but it kind of sounds like the problem is electrical and that's a case of just following the signal back until you find the problem. Suggest you find a mechanic who might be able to help you with diagnosis.

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Re: Need help please trition wont start after water damage

Postby Justin7 on Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:19 am

Wondering if anyone nos were I can find ignition control module cant find were it is to replace
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