Exhaust Thoughts?

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Re: Exhaust Thoughts?

Postby Jacobie on Wed Jun 14, 2017 12:49 pm

dieselweasel wrote:When you drop just the muffler, do you get that crazy howling woooooh sound when you change gear? Tractor sound is cool to me but I can't say I'm keen on the gear change sound. Can it be stopped?

Sure does, pretty loud too. If you rev to a bit over 3k revs it will not be as loud. But if you change on around 2- 2.5 it will howl :lol: :lol:
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Re: Exhaust Thoughts?

Postby dieselweasel on Wed Jun 14, 2017 5:06 pm

I usually change around 2800/2900 and that ensures that the next gear bumps in at 2000, my wife is the only one that's going to complain about the noise so I'll make sure I do it twice as much when she's in the vehicle. I just scored the bit of factory exhaust that fits before the muffler and a mate will do some welding magic and fix a hanger and bend some bends etc so I'll be joining the noise club soon. I'm sure armed with a couple beers and a bit of know how (not mine), it'll fit.Click to view larger picture
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Re: Exhaust Thoughts?

Postby emjayar on Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:27 pm

So I've read the last few pages and I believe there is a consensus on spending the dollars on a tune over doing the exhaust?

I had an ML with 3" CAT and Muffler which gave me about a 0.1L better economy rating until I did an ECUtek retune which returned a further 1.0L better economy and a bucket load more power.

I am now sitting in an MN and thinking of getting the same ECUtek tune and see what happens.
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Re: Exhaust Thoughts?

Postby Maxiy on Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:06 pm

emjayar wrote:So I've read the last few pages and I believe there is a consensus on spending the dollars on a tune over doing the exhaust?

I had an ML with 3" CAT and Muffler which gave me about a 0.1L better economy rating until I did an ECUtek retune which returned a further 1.0L better economy and a bucket load more power.

I am now sitting in an MN and thinking of getting the same ECUtek tune and see what happens.

If you get the tune done, let me know how you find it.

A tune is on the cards for when i stop spending money on my 4 other hobbies
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Re: Exhaust Thoughts?

Postby BillMcQuade on Tue Jun 20, 2017 6:13 am

emjayar wrote:So I've read the last few pages and I believe there is a consensus on spending the dollars on a tune over doing the exhaust?
I am now sitting in an MN and thinking of getting the same ECUtek tune and see what happens.

The tune is definitely your best bang-for-buck.

They are all based off the same "master" tune, so shop around for price. Make sure that it goes on a dyno, as it's important to see that the tune doesn't highlight any issues with your vehicle.
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Re: Exhaust Thoughts?

Postby emjayar on Tue Jun 20, 2017 8:38 am

BillMcQuade wrote:
emjayar wrote:So I've read the last few pages and I believe there is a consensus on spending the dollars on a tune over doing the exhaust?
I am now sitting in an MN and thinking of getting the same ECUtek tune and see what happens.

The tune is definitely your best bang-for-buck.

They are all based off the same "master" tune, so shop around for price. Make sure that it goes on a dyno, as it's important to see that the tune doesn't highlight any issues with your vehicle.

Noted, my last tune was just a street tune.

Maxiy, its a ways off, need to focus on amor and tyres first ;)
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Re: Exhaust Thoughts?

Postby Dotx2 on Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:31 pm

I've been running a 3" exhaust system on my MN since the start of the year. Apart from the awesome note that comes out of the back end, I think its a waste of time and money. No significant changes to performance or fuel consumption. I'm running with it Chip/Boost Controller/Snorkel and 32'. My MN has gone onto limp mode three times now, all going up a steady hill climb whilst overtaking. I still have my original and will be putting that back on.....
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Re: Exhaust Thoughts?

Postby Challengerpb on Wed Sep 20, 2017 9:18 pm

Hi Tony,
I have a PB Challenger that is going into limp mode up long hills towing a two tonne MDC XT10, only started after fitting a Scotts 3" SS exhaust.

Reading through all the posts on this subject it seems that the suggestion is to fit a module from Robert at Chip Tuning for rail pressure and turbo boost to stop the spike in the boost over 22 psi or will fitting the Dawes valve to the 2.5 motor smooth out the boost and prevent the over boost happening ?

Robert suggested speaking with you about it.

Many thanks,
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Re: Exhaust Thoughts?

Postby mitzi1 on Wed Oct 07, 2020 3:03 pm

Can that isolation joint be repaired? For some reason mine has a really loud noise coming from underneath and seems to be in the area of that joint. It is a sprung loaded joint. Does it leak or self destruct inside or can it be repaired??
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Re: Exhaust Thoughts?

Postby WUNSIE on Wed Oct 07, 2020 5:23 pm

mitzi1 wrote:Can that isolation joint be repaired? For some reason mine has a really loud noise coming from underneath and seems to be in the area of that joint. It is a sprung loaded joint. Does it leak or self destruct inside or can it be repaired??

Reading from another post you submitted re; ground clearance under the sump, You are talking about a MR Triton,?? as the issues you are having and now the exhaust issues, :roll: Take it back to Mitsubishi, its under WARRANTY mate, Let them sort it out
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Re: Exhaust Thoughts?

Postby Monaro03 on Mon Mar 04, 2024 1:22 pm

Just wondering reading through the posts. Can someone please let me know size of factory exhaust on MQ triton diesel please. Thanks in advance
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Re: Exhaust Thoughts?

Postby Monaro03 on Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:54 am

Worked out size. Further research does suggest that 3 inch this a little to big for these motors. Good size to allow motor to easy breath is 2 and 3/4 inch. Sweet spot for 2.5 and 2.4 motors as they are not big enough to warrant a 3 inch. There is a mob in Qld who have done R&D on it with some very good results.
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Re: Exhaust Thoughts?

Postby RHKTriton on Thu Jan 16, 2025 3:00 pm

Yeah it's amazing re the obsession with huge pipes, when the biggest problem is usually the factory muffler.
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