Abs,traction control and stability control lights coming on

Re: Abs,traction control and stability control lights coming

Postby oldplodder on Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:20 am

Just had a similar issue with my 2012 GLX.
ABS, traction control and stability control lights came on together going down the highway.
Going over a bump seems to initiate it.
Was heavy rain too, so wonder if some water got in a connection?
They come on and off during a trip, sometimes stay on.
Checked the fuses, all OK.
After two week the lights don't come on anymore.
Will monitor further.
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Re: Abs,traction control and stability control lights coming

Postby GLX58 on Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:20 am

oldplodder wrote:Just had a similar issue with my 2012 GLX.
ABS, traction control and stability control lights came on together going down the highway.
Going over a bump seems to initiate it.
Was heavy rain too, so wonder if some water got in a connection?
They come on and off during a trip, sometimes stay on.
Checked the fuses, all OK.
After two week the lights don't come on anymore.
Will monitor further.

Are you sure they aren't triggering genuinely? Hitting a bump in low traction (wet, dirt roads) can mean momentary loss of traction is detected. If you running fairly high tyre pressures this will exacerbate the problem
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Re: Abs,traction control and stability control lights coming

Postby Richie60 on Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:07 pm

I know this is an old tread but it's the first one that came up in my search so thought I add my two bobs hear. First is always the KISS principle, before going to the dealers, mechanics. If your fault came on after a bump, mud run, or some time after drowning or is intermittent, there is a high probability it is your wiring connectors to your wheel sensors. The wiring plastic connectors metal spade contact area can become corroded insulating the electrical signal. I don't want to bore you to much but some connection are made of metals that are corrosive resistant but cost more so no more said, this has been a fault with tritons in the past, one being the recall for tail lights failing. So bofore you do anything I would just follow the wiring harness from your wheel sensor to the connector/s ether wiggle them in and out to break the corrosion layer, however fault may come back or better to unclip them clean them with electrical contact cleaner dry and reconnect. Check for any damage as well of course while your there from any stray branches, rocks, fence post, wire, animals, mud, ...... make sure you drive you Triton after to clear ECU. May save you the worry, time or unnecessary costs. One last thing on your front wheels make sure the thing that looks like a gear wheel next to your break cover is clean.
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Re: Abs,traction control and stability control lights coming

Postby Sharkey on Fri May 29, 2020 4:50 pm

Hi Richie,
Thankyou for your comments.
My 2011 GLX-R intermittently started lighting up both lights a couple of month's back and only now am I starting to look in to it as sometimes they would disappear for anywhere up to a few days and then reappear soon after.

So your saying to check the wheel sensor connectors? Did this fix it on yours? My truck has 103,000km on it now.

Anyway sounds like I'm not the first person to experience this one. Had plenty of other issues to date however most of them were self inflicted Lol
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Re: Abs,traction control and stability control lights coming

Postby Bluey_Zarsoff on Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:28 am

These faults happen for the craziest reasons some times.
Many years back I had a Mits 380 and after replacing the water pump the thing was stuck in limp mode & wouldn't change any higher than 3rd gear. The OBD scanner only brought up one code that said it had a low voltage open circuit.
So, I thought maybe I broke the crank sensor when I was replacing the timing belt, so I opened her up again and replaced crank sensor with a new one and then changed just about every other sensor on the vehicle but it didn't fix it & it still gave the error code.
Then when I was getting it ready to get her towed to the dealer the missus spotted that it only had one reverse light working. So I put in the new bulb and Bingo that fixed it & the code was gone too.

Makes me wonder how many people were given a catastrophic story & charged thousands and by the dealer to fix this problem when it is only caused by a blown bulb.
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