Gremlin 4 the brains trust and legends

Gremlin 4 the brains trust and legends

Postby lovestriton on Tue Dec 20, 2022 2:54 pm

Hey Legends it's that time of the year again my car starts playing up when weather warms up it keeps throwing the manifold pressure sensor code and car goes into limp mode it's had three pressure sensors last year and the problem only appears once the weather starts to get over 25 degrees I installed a boost gauge with a pressure set alarm and set the threshold to alarm before the manifold pressure should trigger the computer and the boost gauge hasn't gone off I don't get and engine light on the dash most times which I find weird as a computer has thrown a when I put my diagnostic on it it has the manifold pressure code showing can happen 3 or 4 times a day or may not happen to a 3 months it's done it ever since I was in the car very merry Christmas any ideas will be really appreciated
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Re: Gremlin 4 the brains trust and legends

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:47 pm

More info needed.

What year is it? what engine? any other modifications?
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Re: Gremlin 4 the brains trust and legends

Postby NowForThe5th on Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:01 pm

Are you running a chip?

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Re: Gremlin 4 the brains trust and legends

Postby lovestriton on Sat Dec 24, 2022 3:17 pm

soz 4m41 standard 2008 no chips 200k on clock started at 170k....2 years back
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Re: Gremlin 4 the brains trust and legends

Postby RHKTriton on Mon Dec 26, 2022 8:19 am

Seasons Greetings.

If the problem wasn't eliminated with all those sensor swaps then the problem is back towards the ECU.

I'd be tipping a "dry joint" in the ECU, however you might be lucky and just have a dodgy connector in the wiring loom. More likely cab side of firewall.

I'd get some contact cleaner and dielectric grease and clean the sensor plug, disconnect the battery and do the same on the ECU connector.

Not having checked the wiring diagram, the may be another connector mid way. See how it goes.
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Re: Gremlin 4 the brains trust and legends

Postby NowForThe5th on Mon Dec 26, 2022 12:23 pm

lovestriton wrote:the problem only appears once the weather starts to get over 25 degrees

Discounting mods and chips that can mess with the readings from the sensor, this is the clue. It's not the sensor that is setting off the error condition but something downstream. RHK is kind of on the right track but you need to inspect, very carefully, the wiring between the sensor and the ECU, as well as any connections. Look for any signs of damage or anything that could cause an internal short or voltage fluctuation, especially where the wiring goes near to something hot or even is retained a bit tight or goes through a tight hole. Even something like an accessory wire that has been pushed through a grommet and has damaged the wire in some way.

A bit weird that it's triggering a limp but not recording an error but I suspect that the boost gauge has proven that it's not the actual boost condition that is causing the problem. Do you have a Scangauge or similar where you can monitor the actual signal? I'd be looking for boost conditions that don't match what's actually happening - like boost increases when you go around a corner with foot off the throttle - you know, weird stuff. You can shake or move the harness too while watching the boost, looking for something that changes the apparent condition.

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Re: Gremlin 4 the brains trust and legends

Postby lovestriton on Wed Dec 28, 2022 10:04 am

thanks guys , confirmed some of my thinking and its great that your replied, looks like I have some work to do.. :D
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Re: Gremlin 4 the brains trust and legends

Postby Longranger1 on Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:54 pm

Are you running any egr blanks?
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Re: Gremlin 4 the brains trust and legends, update

Postby lovestriton on Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:00 pm

HI Guys

Car still going in to limp mode on mostly hot days. been 2 years or so now.
Its really wierd and one day I did A 600klm 37deg day no probs, and then next week it did it twice in a day.
I believe its heat effected as over winter it has only done it on rare occasions.
Summer 30deg you can almost guarantee it

Not showing codes anymore , but you have to pull over, shut it down, and then your good to go again.

Its got me stumped , wirings been checked , computer connectors cleaned. senosors replaced.
200k on clock no mods

I thinking maybe the computer has a fault? as how can it go in limp mode and show no codes or dash engine light on?
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