Updated: Classifieds area Guidelines - READ HERE FIRST

Updated: Classifieds area Guidelines - READ HERE FIRST

Postby Dave on Sat Sep 20, 2008 8:50 pm

Please ensure you read the following guidelines carefully, the classifieds section has recently changed;

All new adverts for sale/wanted now undergo an approval process, your advert must meet a strict criteria.

Any inquiry to an advert must be made through the PM button (private messaging)

Ensure that all of the template is filled correctly. Pictures are not mandatory but will help allot in the sale of your item.

Purchasing items from this forum is at your own risk. While 99% of people don’t have a problem at all there is always someone who is going to take advantage of this. If you are having trouble with a purchase from another member please contact us straight away and we will try and help but as we have stated - it is at your own risk!

A word of advise, if you are buying something from someone get every aspect of the purchase in detail and try to do it through a proper email address (ie: not a hotmail or yahoo account). If someone has internet access then they will have a legitimate ISP account. It would also be advisable to obtain their land line numbers and maybe even a copy of their license.

All adverts will automatically expire after 30 days.

DO NOT post;

1) Firearms and/or Firearm accessories.
2) eBay items or auctions of any sort.
3) EOI (expressions of interest)
4) Post the item more than once.


1) You MUST stipulate a price and conditions.
ie. ($300 ONO or $300 NO OFFERS)
2) You MUST stipulate a location i.e. (WA, NSW, QLD)
City or Regional Areas are not mandatory but helpful if added as well.

Copy paste the template below to put your advertisement in the For Sale sections.
Failure to do so could result in your classified ad to be rejected. No questions asked!!








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Re: Updated: Classifieds area Guidelines - READ HERE FIRST

Postby NowForThe5th on Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:16 pm

Bumping this up as a reminder...

There has been a rash of classified ads submitted recently which have had to be disapproved because they did not follow the format outlined above. The template is available from the drop-down box when you start a new thread in the Classifieds section. Just select and it will set up the headings in your post for you to simply complete the details.

The other Moderators and myself generally send a nice little PM explaining what is necessary but this really does become tiresome when people don't even bother to try to comply with the rules. Your classified post may simply be disapproved and deleted.

Please save us the extra work and yourself the effort of having to re-do your classified ad by getting it right the first time.

If work is so terrific, why do they have to pay us to do it?
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