Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

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Re: 2.5 EGT temps

Postby shortSteve on Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:10 pm

shortSteve wrote:
verychallenged wrote:Gday all

First post so sorry if its a repeat.
I have a 2010 pb challenger, just wondering if anyone can tell me what exhaust temps they are getting with or without chips /remaps fitted please. Chasing more open road,towing and hill climbing figures if possible...
Cheers guys

Hey mate, I have a new PC with 2.75" exhaust, snorkel but apart from that standard. Runs low to mid 400's on the cruise, higher 400's under load but hasn't got anywhere near high 500's yet, will be towing next weekend so will try and remember to update post after that. Considerably cooler than the Triton ran under the same conditions.


So after towing for the weekend, cruise temps high 400's, peak at low-mid 500's under wide open throttle.
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby Sofled on Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:51 pm

Guys i have my chip tuning module in with a egt controller that displays temps of only 250 to 290 max cruising at 100km/h this seems alot lower then what some people are quoting. Im reluctant to trust the controller incase my prob is reading too low. I had to put an adapatet on the 1/8 NPT sensor so it would fit into the 1/4 npt port on the 3 inch dominator exhaust.
Whats eoples thoughts should i be worried or do i have wikid temps.
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby coughy on Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:22 pm

how far in is your prob???
the adapter wont do shit except hold the prob out more
what is the highest you get when pushing it up a high with foot to the wall????
but no those temps seem great
this misabishity motors are hit and hit with the temps
mine runs 2 to 3 times hotter than that so you might be a lucky mongrel ....
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby m sciffer on Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:10 pm

hi there
just picked my mn triton up from a ecu remap , and fitted a boost gauge and a egt gauge my trip back from coffs to Grafton, boost sat on 15 and did go to 20 at the most, the egt went to 380 at 90 to 100 km . I all so fitted a scanguage 2 .
The scanguage show the water temp shows 88 c .the remap was done for towing and pleased with the power upgrade
and will check the towing of the boat on Monday
m sciffer
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby mudslinger on Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:21 pm

I've had an ecu remap with 3 inch exhaust, the redarc egt/boost gauge shows around 300 degrees sitting on 100km/h. And about 350 degrees at 110km/h.

When towing the 1.5 tonne camper its around the same but when I've got to give it a bit under load towing she jumps up real quick around 450-500 degrees.
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby mudslinger on Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:23 pm

When i was running a std exhaust wirh the tune all temps where at least 50-80 degrees hotter in the same scenarios listed.
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby kcdusk on Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:45 am

(bit of background. I bought a chipit dominator chip, lost my job, moved towns to a new job, and just finished installing the chip 4 months after buying it. 2008 3.2 MN triton).

So, i've lost my USB stick that the chip came with, i'll contact Robert at Chip IT to see if i can have them emailed to me.

I have access to a dyno but i'm not diesel techno minded. Am i meant to keep playing with chip settings until i can keep the engine temps within a certain range? Is there any guide what EGT should be reading?

What about turbo boost. On this webite i've variously read boost of 22psi and the car goes into limp home mode, while in other posts i've read ppl have got up to 25psi.

Is there a general setting or example of psi and engine temps thats the sweetspot i should be aiming for or are all cars significantly different?
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby L200Shogun on Sun Sep 11, 2016 12:11 pm

kcdusk wrote:...snip...2008 3.2 MN triton....snip..

ML 3.2 or MN 2.5?

Different turbo set ups and different factory boost.
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby kcdusk on Tue Sep 13, 2016 11:07 am

Sorry, ML 3.2.
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby borngeek on Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:22 pm

Stick under 700 degrees celcius at the dump, and max boost 25psi.

Probe should be 1-2 inches back from flange max. Also floated not touching the bottom..

The fuel rail limiter will bug out well before you are able to throw too much fuel at it.
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Sucks to be you, glad I bought a 3.2 :lol:
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby kcdusk on Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:02 pm

SO i can just keeping turning the tune up from 5, to 6, to 7 until the EGT starts to max out at 650-700? Is that how you choose the tune level?
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby trouble on Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:01 am

I hit 600 on big hills towing 2t regularly

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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby kcdusk on Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:04 pm

i'll need to get the manual out, to figure out what setting my chip is on. I haven't changed it since getting it out th3 box and installing it so i am assuming "5". Now that i have the EGT on i just did a test run along a flat road. Feels like its running hot.

Flat road, not towing.

80kph = 450
110kph = 540
accelerating from 80 --> 120kph = peaked at 700.

Does this read hot?
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby triton_guru on Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:59 pm

I would either be putting more boost in (very easy to trick the 3.2 triton ecu) or turning the chip back abit mate
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby kcdusk on Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:30 am

boost is 18psi. I've read on these forums 25psi works, i've also read it goes into limp home mode around 22 or 24psi - so not sure which is more correct.

I'm thinking i'll tune the chip back rather than bump the boost.
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby catchya on Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:01 am

kcdusk wrote:SO i can just keeping turning the tune up from 5, to 6, to 7 until the EGT starts to max out at 650-700? Is that how you choose the tune level?

Question is, how do you know that your EGT has finally peaked or maxed out?

I'm assuming these EGT temps is with the stock exhaust system? If so, at minimum, at least change the dump pipe to 3 inches.

With my rig (2009 VR 3.2) limp mode was just before 22psi (MAP)
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby borngeek on Tue Sep 20, 2016 8:09 am

A 3.2 will limp at 22psi. Immediately unless you pull that by tricking the MAP sensor..

You will hit a wall where the fuel rail limiter returns to tank, feels like a flat spot. You go to that and back off one tune. There are upgraded limiters available. I blocked mine off, but that is not a good plan you blow up injection pumps... :lol:

A standard rail limiter will save you from any issue with EGT's. Set boost 20psi go to the limit of the fuel rail limiter and you be well under any danger of bricking your engine. Small performance bump for fun.
You cap MAP sensor they run good 24-25psi standard turbo. Will need a boost gauge fitted.

You see 700 degrees back off immediately. They will not like it for very long.

You want to go further contact Tony @ spvindustries.com ;)

//The standard exhaust will drone and cause higher EGT's... You pushing up performance get a higher flow exhaust.
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby kcdusk on Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:24 am

Sorry, EGT got to 700 and was still rising, when i backed off the throttle. i.e. didn't peak. And yes, stock exhaust.

Just reading the manual for chipit and i need to break the units casing open, to turn a screw to change the tune setting? Feels high maintenance? And if so, whats this 4 button keyring thingy for (labeled a, b c & d)?
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Re: Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Postby Bluey_Zarsoff on Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:16 pm

My mn manual used to run under 400 egt @110 kmph. Then I fitted a Tillix valve and had it tuned by the inventor of the Tillix.
He said that he just dialed in the Tillix & needle valve while it was on the Dyno & did not touch anything else, but ever since the egt's are now sitting on 450+ & go over 500 on slopes sitting @110kmph.

I also now hear loud thermal heat expansion noises coming from the exhaust pipe & exhaust manifold now that were not there before, and they are real meaty bangs and Cracks, not tinny heat shield noises.These noises started happening at the exact moment it drove off the Dyno.
It has a 3" dump & Cat and then it tapers down to 2.5 system all the way out the back with one high flow muffler at the rear.
Either intentionally or unintentionally he has changed something else but he will not tell me what he did so I am at a loss to know how to fix it.
All I know is that he really revved (or over revved) the guts out of it in 2nd & 3rd and it was screaming in pain on that dyno. Also he only used one dodgy old pedestal fan with the bonnet up for cooling while it was on the dyno.

For some of you others with high egt readings, if you have the probe located downstream of the Turbo in the dump pipe make sure that only the tip of it protrudes into the Dump pipe by between 6mm to 8mm. If you install it any deeper than that on a Turbo Diesel it can add up to 50deg C or even higher on the egt gauge (depending on the brand). A lot of people get caught out by installing them incorrectly.The Saas egt gauge is very susceptible to this problem & will be constantly wrong if the probe is too far in.
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