4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc brakes

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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby Cowboy Dave on Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:22 pm

I'll reserve judgment for now but what I've read on sites like http://www.danielsternlighting.com about globes with blue coatings and claims about high kelvin figures and so on would lead me to suspect that they might look brighter to the eye but actually be worse in their performance.
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby Trentd on Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:26 pm

Understandable! I read about tinted and colored coatings on globes as well! Was skeptical! I truly believe that throw out a lot of light! They're actually called super whites, I went out on a trip out into the country and they were incredible! If I didn't have a crappy camera I'd try take a photo of the lights. I'll go take some and see how it looks
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby Trentd on Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:39 pm

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Ok so these are from my iphone, which pretty much doesn't do them justice at all! Though you can see how far they go with decent flood, and that's low beam only no other lights!
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby kingy on Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:59 pm

man they look the goods, do you get flashed at all from on coming cars?

where'd you get them?
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby Trentd on Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:02 pm

Nope. The left side is raised slightly and gets the side of the road and distance well, and the right headlamp cuts off on an angle, you can kind of see it in the photos, so the cars fly past in the cut off section which is more flood than beam. I actually had someone drive my car with them on and I drove there's head on with each other and they were fine! Looked bloody amazing though! Really crystal white with a tinge of blue and blue head lamps! Even driving next to people on the road it just makes them look like they have no lights turned on!
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby Trentd on Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:04 pm

From a auto lighting store about 20 mins from me!
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby 4wd26 on Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:13 pm

look pretty good

might have to look at the 130, as the lights I have are upgraded loom, including relay and glass lenses 8-) 8-) but they are H7 so may have to search if available

have you tried those as well, or only based on bigger is better
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby NowForThe5th on Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:20 pm

Trentd, on the subject of blue filtered lights, have a read of this. Virtually every study ever done has confirmed that high wattage bulbs do not actually provide any better light, nor do they represent value in terms of lumens/watt and he simple fact of the filament being bigger, to accommodate the higher wattage, means that glare will be produced. I can provide some recent study results that confirm all of this, if you want.

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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby Trentd on Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:29 pm

If h7 are what are in my fog lights they're blue but the light is actually a white color with a hint of yellow? I can try get photos tomorrow night and I'll look at the boxes!
The 130's my friend has in a xr6 turbo and they're ridiculously bright.

Nft5 I understand all that, I'm an electrician and we learned about all the lumens and how different light colors show to the eye, I think they look more blue in my photos from my interior lights being led...
I've had standard halogen, Phillips lights and another brand I got from supercheap auto, and all of them never out shined these lights in both distance and flood, they don't show a blue light but actually a super super bright white light! It kind of shines out the front of the globe, and directs a white beams straigh and then a blue tinge with the flood, but each to their own! I really like them and think they really throw out a lot of light! Judge for yourself off of the photos, and I'm on no way having a go at anyone for their choices or Phillips brands! Was just merely a suggestion and opinion on what I think through the ones that I tested! I liked these the best! :)
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby Trentd on Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:30 pm

And I don't really have any drama with glare? I found they really helped with eye strain compared to when I had halogens on my trip from melb to omeo!
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby Trentd on Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:51 pm

The only issue though, that I must admit! Being a white light that comes out these are NOT good in foggy situations! Fog lights are designed to be yellow to cut through the fog and not glare up! The headlights are not dangerous, they don't blow up like when you put your bar or spots on in the fog! But they lose a lot of distance! Which is what NFT5 was saying, white blue creates glare! The same brand lights in my fog lights are whiter than standard halogens, but do have a more yellow look! Which is good because they work perfect in fog
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby RHKTriton on Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:11 am

I've found in past vehicles that 100/80. 100/90 halogens gave the best light. Better 'fill' and colour rendition.

The boosted light output 60/55 globes just don't last long and are pretty expensive.

The super white lights are great at lighting up the road markings but cause road signs to be as bad as oncoming cars on high beam. Wombats are virtually invisible on bitumen.

The key factor I found is that the high and low filaments have to be close in wattage for a good bulb life.
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby Cowboy Dave on Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:47 am

The comment about fog is potentially interesting. I have foggies in my bullbar. I use them sometimes at night because they give extra spread to the side of the road. But on a recent night drive through fog it became apparent that they actually spread and scatter light in every direction. Because the spread went up and out as well the glare back off the fog was awful. I got way better results from my projectors because they have a very defined horizontal cutoff and didn't light anything higher than the bonnet.

I wonder if the above comments about fog glare are showing that these brighter globes in stock housings are actually throwing a lot of glare up and out?

My big concern about the 100/90 in a stock housing would be heat. There's a lot of plastic there. Not do much a problem for 4wd26 here though since the Hellas have a thick glass lens and the rest of the 90mm housing is metal and ceramic.

The projectors also give good cutoff as mentioned above.
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby Trentd on Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:37 am

That sounds about right cowboydave, maybe that's why!? As with the heat I haven't had any dramas with the plastic lenses but anything over would definatley cook the plastic haha, low beam and high beam I haven't had an issue with road signs flaring up at me! But I know what you mean! Had my spots on and they reflected hard!
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4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc brakes

Postby 4wd26 on Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:33 am

Realised that I hadn't put a finished lighting pic up
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Very happy with the finished look and quality of the lights
The seller on eBay couldn't have been more helpful either
I'm glad I waited and got the genuine light upgrade and the modify to suit-angel eyes
Than getting the Thailand inserts
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby 4wd26 on Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:47 pm

been a little project that I have been working on for a few years
Canopy led lights

I had swapped out the ARB canopy bulb for LED and glued on a small LED strip near the top of the canopy rear window, that was 5 years ago and it did pretty well


I was thinking of something a bit different as the light was good, but for solo trips away cooking on the rear tail gate etc I thought it could be better

So seeing as how bright the COD LED light strips were - my angle eyes, I wanted some more of these.
They came as daylight running lights- so I thought they would be bright and they have turned out that way
benefit is you get 2 lights I got the 17cm variety

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wired up a switch in a discrete location reachable from the back or side window
stuck one on the side window so that when opened it will go inter the awning and throw good light
stuck another on the middle bar inside the canopy
stuck a long strip light near the bottom of the rear window, this throws good light onto the tail gate
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no flash, these are bright, very happy

While I was at this for shits and giggles I thought that I would add a switch that turned lights on (the original ARB canopy light and my small LED strip) when I opened the rear canopy window.
took a bit of stuffing around due to the window frame being a earth, made interesting smoke when I tried to wire the switch positive- lucky for fuses.

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hole drilled through frame for the universal door switch
window open so the lights are on- I have a small section of packing to hit the switch, but I don't think it is required so will remove later.

something like this- the frame removes easily making them very thin, they can also be linked in series

switch used

I fabed up the alloy bracket for the other switch out of channel- the hole was so that I could access the mounting bolt (part of the ARB canopy) and I just cut out the switch hole so that it was flush
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby coughy on Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:16 pm

looks good 26 we still need to catch up to m8
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby Snooozy on Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:09 pm

You must be like me...scared of the dark :lol:

gotta love LED lights. ;)

I used a micro tilt switch on the rear window. >>>like this<<< Works well but if I hit a decent bump the light flashes

details of my setup here
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby 4wd26 on Mon Aug 03, 2015 1:41 pm

coughy wrote:looks good 26 we still need to catch up to m8

I was thinking that on Sunday afternoon as I was out and about- never organized.
maybe this weekend (sunday?)

Snooozy wrote:You must be like me...scared of the dark :lol:

gotta love LED lights. ;)

I used a micro tilt switch on the rear window. >>>like this<<< Works well but if I hit a decent bump the light flashes

details of my setup here

mercury switch- genious :roll: :oops: , would have made things easier
oh well, will make the bonnet lighting easier :lol:
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby coughy on Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:07 pm

yep np m8 will text you or text me when you are ready
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby coughy on Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:53 pm

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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby 4wd26 on Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:59 pm

Thanks for those
Will come in handy if the Jw speaker led lights end up too expensive
Slow process of fixing up my front arb inserts
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby coughy on Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:03 pm

yer i think u might be introuble as the ones u looking at are 24v havent seen a 12v yet
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby 4wd26 on Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:16 pm

coughy wrote:yer i think u might be introuble as the ones u looking at are 24v havent seen a 12v yet

The volt range on them was 9 to 35 I thought, but made for 24 volt systems
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Re: 4wd26 2008 ML auto- now with 4.6 gears and rear disc bra

Postby coughy on Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:25 pm

i dint see that so yer they normally are the ones i use are so prob you are right
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